Friday, June 15, 2007

How many more IITs do you think , we really need?

Please justify your opinion.


Abhi said...

Having more will not give the same quality of inputs that the present IIT's have. Also one can see that the new IIT Guwahati isn't still counted as equal to the old one's at Kgp, Madras or Kanpur. So creating more will cause a rift in the IIT community. It will be better if they had established a new class of institutes like the NIT's

Srinidhi K V said...

Creating new IIT's is just a way to make them as available as the NIT's.I think we just need about 10 IIT's.If they(hrd) want intelligent people to take benefit of the IIT's,decreasing percentage reservation will do(also they should put the creamy layer barrier for SC n ST's so that the real sufferers will be benefited)